Reunion In Vegas

Twenty five years. That’s how much time passed between visits with my girlfriend, Wendy.
Twenty five years ago, I didn’t know it would be decades before I saw her again. I can’t even recall our last hurrah. Possibly drinks and dancing at Black Angus. Maybe an evening bbq at a friend’s house.
You might guess we reunited through FaceBook, but it was actually Flickr, where I found a recent photo of her, and MyLife (formerly Classmates dot com) where I paid $14.95 for 1 month membership and access to her contact information.
Not long after mailing her a letter and current family photo, my phone rang. It was Wendy!
♫♪♬ Reunited and it feels so good! ♫♪♬
Fast forward to Tuesday.
♫♪♬ My girlfriend’s back… ♫♪♬
Wendy, her husband, and her parents were spending a week in Vegas. By 11am, I was hugging my friend again after all these years! Wow, she was as gorgeous as ever. And tall! I don’t remember her being so tall. Her family was all so nice, and made me feel welcome.

Fashion Show Mall

Fashion Show Mall

While the men headed to the Bass Pro Shop, we ladies headed for the Fashion Show Mall. Making our way through the maze of underground parking, we scored a sweet parking spot close to one of the many entrances. Macy’s, Dillards, Chico’s, Coldwater Creek, and Forever 21 called out to us, and we answered! Two hours flew by as we navigated the stores, trying on outfits here and there. Wendy scored an excellent deal at Macy’s, bagging 4 pairs of shorts and a pair of capris for $50.
For lunch, we drove to Tommy Bahama’s Cafe at Town Square.
Three Blackberry Basil Smashes, please! Actually, they said they no longer offer that cocktail, but after checking with the bartender, we were told they WOULD make them! We have a feeling they scooted over to the nearby Whole Foods for ingredients.
Tommy Bahamas lunch

Tommy Bahamas lunch

Wendy’s Mom and I had the fish tacos, and Wendy had chicken salad. The fish was blackened and spicy, with contrasting cool, crisp slaw on top. To the side was a deep fried tortilla bowl with plantains and sweet pineapple, coconut “pudding”.
Laughter and conversation flowed easily. It is amazing to pick up with dear friends right where you left off. We drank, ate, enjoyed the lovely atmosphere, and each other’s company for several hours.
I won’t let another 25 years slip away.
Wendy and Jean

Wendy & Jean

• What’s the longest you’ve gone without seeing a friend?
• Are there pictures of you on Flickr that you knew nothing about?
• Do you like flowers in your cocktail?


Filed under Friends, Las Vegas, Nevada, Shopping, Travel, Vegas

27 responses to “Reunion In Vegas

  1. That is so cool you connected through Flickr!

    I don’t know how to navigate very well to find people. I just need to spend more time there. 🙂

    I love your recap reunion and the cute, cute, cute pic at the end. Cheers!!

    That is awesome.

  2. Oh, and it was 20years before I saw one of my best friends from high school at our reunion last summer.

  3. Cee Beans

    Its been about 10 years since I’ve seen a few friends. We visited a few people when we’d go “home” for Christmas. But, its been awhile since I’ve gone “home” for Christmas. Well, “home” moved here in 2005… Mom did I should say. And, I just don’t remember seeing anyone for a few of the Christmas I did go home prior to that.

    As for pictures….. Yes, I am… Well, I’ll keep the former title to myself. But when I google it, I find myself out there…… and I laugh everytime. The baby girl was EMBARRASSED to find out she was out there too as her former beauty queen titles. *snickers* Yes, I am a pageant mom and winner…. *blushes*

    Great write as always, Jean..

    *HUGS* C B

  4. Lisa

    How fun!
    Ive been spending a lot of time with one of my first Phoenix friends Cindy lately!
    Ive been planning a blog on it because our lives have always gone this way & that, but we always pick up like it was 30 years ago…

  5. JacqRox

    Glad you hooked back up. Sadly I haven’t seen some friends in years but Facebook has helped me get back in touch with old friends.

  6. Sunny Wishes She Were Shopping

    Blackberry Basil Smashes! Yay! Cheers to you both. You look gorgeous and happy, and its good to see you with a friend 🙂
    Love you!

  7. Tammy

    This is awesome! I am so happy for you! I know the feeling because I, too, have reconnected with old friends from 20+ years ago. We reunited through facebook. I never thought to look up someone on flickr.

    Some of my reunions were flops and we didn’t reconnect well. Others went surprisingly well and we continue to keep in touch and meet for lunch. Emails are a great way to keep in touch regularly.

    Flowers in cocktails look very pretty.

    • Thank you, Tammy! I’m so glad some of your reunions have also been hits!

      Wendy had gone to her high school reunion, and someone from her class posted the photos on Flickr. That is how I found her, under her maiden name.

  8. Brigita

    Isn’t it amazing how you can find people nowadays? So cool. Seems like you guys a fantastic time!

  9. Always great to get in touch with old friends, I should have another look on friends re-united etc !
    Glad you had a great time,

  10. The “oldest” friend I have found on Facebook was my 2nd grade best friend. That’s a looong time ago. She lives in PA and I live in AZ, so the chances of us actually getting together is slim. However, just finding her was pretty thrilling.

  11. Look at you guys. All happy. You guys are lookin good. 🙂 I am glad that we can meet up with friends again…with help from the internet. I try to stay in touch by phone. I get toooo lazy. My friends call up and yell at me. lol 🙂 It makes the point a little louder. lol 🙂 Hope you enjoy the summer and the weekend. 🙂

    • Thanks, Luisa!
      Hope you find time to pick up the phone and call your friends soon. LOL!
      Should be a good weekend. 10,000 participants floating down the river today. Hubby’s got a seat in a helicopter to video & photo the events.
      Enjoy your weekend too!

  12. Joy

    I’ve found friends on FB from elementary school but so far I haven’t reconnected with any of them in person. It’s been great chatting though.

    I’m so glad your experience was good. How exciting and fun for you.

    BTW, I’ve never had a fish taco and now I’m craving one.

  13. That is so awesome that you reconnected with your friend. So happy for you!

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