Tag Archives: Rachel

Where Glee Lost Me

Glee is back, but I’m holding my applause.
The season opener was all over the place! Rachel and Finn’s on again/off again romance made me woozy. Combined with Counselor Emma & Teacher Will’s relationship woes, I was ready for a Dramamine. Insert Finn being quasi-seduced by the Cheerios, and my head exploded.
Week two promised The Power of Madonna. Once again, I suspended belief as
Emma wrestled with her virginity,
the Cheerios performed on stilts,
Rachel lusted after wannabe tough-guy/singer (gag me), Jesse St. James.

But I could not believe my eyes when I saw a McKinley student saunter the school halls in an evening gown, gloves, and diamonique. Surely this violated McKinley’s dress code. Come on! I can only accept so much!
Why did I find this unacceptable? Because I, too, have experienced the power of Madonna. Back in the early 80’s when Madonna hit the scene, she influenced music and fashion. My girlfriends and I gobbled up both. Fishnet stockings, colorful belts, vintage pumps, thrift-store fashion finds, we wore it all. But as much as we adored her, we would never have impersonated her.
And that is where Glee lost me.

• Are you a Gleek?
• Have you experienced the power of Madonna?
• Which celebrity has influenced your sense of style?


Filed under Humor, IMO