Tag Archives: fun

Kittens In Da House!

We have kittens in da house! Ya, boy! Nine weeks ago a beautiful, black kitty adopted us. The girls named her Alexis after one of the new Liv Dolls. Alexis is the sweetest cat, far sweeter than the two we already have. (Shhhh… don’t tell Wiggles and Getta.)
We took Alexis in for her shots, and scheduled to have her spayed. As her surgery loomed, we noticed her getting quite plump. Sure enough, she was pregnant.
March 4th ~ Alexis arrived. May 3rd ~ Her five kittens arrived. Yes, just that fast.

• Does one of these kitties have your name on it?
• Do strays follow you home?
• How has May greeted you?


Filed under Podcast

Found Montana in Arizona

On Wednesday, my youngest daughter, Pearl, and I ventured to Lake Havasu City to see Montana Lady Golfer. Montana and I have been friends on MySpace and Facebook for about a year.
Montana gave us a warm welcome, jumping up & down and giving us hugs upon arrival. Once inside her lovely home, Montana served my favorite wine (sauvignon blanc), crackers, and an assortment of delicious cheeses! I hand delivered a package of fruits & cheese to Montana from her 2009 Secret Santa. Montana was so pleased and said it was the perfect gift.
Ever so thoughtful, Montana carefully opened a fishing game and challenged Pearl to a round. Pearl mopped the floor with her, but our host may have thrown the game.

Time to hop into Montana’s convertible and drop her hubby off at the golf course. Then we girls were off for Fast Food and Shopping.

Pearl loves McDonalds, and was excited to have an Alvin & The Chipmonks Happy Meal. We took the scenic route to the new mall, and Montana spoiled Pearl with a Deluxe Bead Kit and 3 smaller bead sets from Michael’s.
A leisurely drive across the London Bridge led us to The Naked Turtle for beach time!

We found a few shells & pretty rocks, and got our tootsies wet. It was a beautiful day with temps in the high 60’s. Something about playing on the beach makes you hungry. The Beach Bar was undergoing some renovations, but the restaurant upstairs was open. Wow is their food GOOD!! We shared orders of calamari and fish & chips while Pearl had an ice cream sundae.

This day just FLEW by! It was nearly 5pm, and we had to pick up Montana’s hubby from the golf course. I hope he had a good day!
Montana wrapped up some shish-kebobs for Pearl and I to take home. We were running out of daylight, and my hubby and eldest daughter were at home awaiting on return.
Natalie and Pearl are still having a GREAT time making bracelets & necklaces. Tom and I are grilling the kebobs tonight!
• Have you been to Lake Havasu?
• Do you let children beat you at games?
• What’s on your shish-kabob?



Filed under Arizona, Shopping

Face of the Future

The University of St. Andrews‘ Computer Science Department has created a fun, interactive website. Upload your photo, and watch as you revert to a baby, child, teen, or young adult. You can also transform your nationality, race, sex, or become the drawing of a famous artist.


East-Asian Jean

Masculine Jean… could pass for George Bush Sr.

I married a chimp!

Botticelli sketched my daughter!

• Use a large photo.
• Don’t crop too close to your head.

To my friend, Gita for telling me about the website. (My pimp hand is strong.)
Go • Play • Share

I can’t wait to see your results!


Filed under Humor